Family Law – General Articles

What is Joint Managing Conservatorship in Texas?

If you have been involved in a family law dispute, you may have heard of joint managing conservatorship. You may be wondering what exactly joint managing conservatorship is and what it means for you in your family law case.  Conservatorship relates to rights, and...

What are your options if the possession order is not being followed?

Following a divorce or child custody case in Texas, you may be struggling with the concept that you’re no longer able to see your child every day or whenever you desire. While this is certainly an adjustment, an added complication to this situation can occur when the...

What happens to student loans in a divorce?

Texas is a community property state, meaning all property acquired during the marriage by either spouse is presumed to be part of the community and, therefore, subject to division by the court in a divorce.  But what about debts, such as student loans?  In Texas...

Stepparent Adoption Questions Answered

In Texas, an adult who is the stepparent of a child may file for adoption. This post will answer some common questions that arise when a person is considering initiating a stepparent adoption.  Who Can File and Where? In Texas, an adult who is the stepparent of a...