Texas is a community property state, meaning all property acquired during the marriage by either spouse is presumed to be part of the community and, therefore, subject to division by the court in a divorce. But what about debts, such as student loans? In Texas...
Stepparent Adoption Questions Answered
Dec 17, 2020 | Adoption, Family Law - General, Termination of Parental Rights
In Texas, an adult who is the stepparent of a child may file for adoption. This post will answer some common questions that arise when a person is considering initiating a stepparent adoption. Who Can File and Where? In Texas, an adult who is the stepparent of a...
What are your options if you lose at trial?
Dec 1, 2020 | Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law - General, Property
Judges carefully consider the evidence and arguments presented at a trial before making a final decision, but this doesn’t mean that a judge’s decision is always accurate. For this reason, you still have options you can pursue in order to urge the judge to make a...
Holiday Tips for Co-Parents
Nov 17, 2020 | Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law - General
The holiday season is a special time for getting together with loved ones to make lasting memories with your children. This is especially important for divorced families. If you find yourself recently divorced, in a challenging co-parenting relationship, or trying...
Top 100 Things Lawyers Shouldn’t Have to Tell Family Law Clients
Oct 30, 2020 | Family Law - General
A recent post in a Texas family lawyers group asked attorneys to share "things you think you wouldn't have to tell your client not to do during a family law case, but apparently you have to." Here are a few of my favorites (and yes, these things have actually...
Possession Schedules for Children Under Three
Oct 21, 2020 | Child Custody, Divorce
In divorces and cases involving the parent-child relationship, the court will establish a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child. This parenting plan includes the rights and duties of a conservator and a possession schedule for the child. Courts may...
Texas Premarital Agreements – What are they and should you get one?
Oct 15, 2020 | Divorce, Property
A premarital agreement or “prenup” is an agreement between prospective spouses to alter their marital property rights without court involvement. Chapter four of the Texas Family Code governs these types of agreements. Parties can agree to the division of household...
What can happen if you fall behind on child support payments?
Oct 2, 2020 | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce
In Texas family law cases involving children, one parent is often ordered to pay child support to the other. For one reason or another, a parent may fall behind on child support payments. If you are the parent who has been ordered to pay child support, you may be...