A recent post in a Texas family lawyers group asked attorneys to share "things you think you wouldn't have to tell your client not to do during a family law case, but apparently you have to." Here are a few of my favorites (and yes, these things have actually...
Possession Schedules for Children Under Three
Oct 21, 2020 | Child Custody, Divorce
In divorces and cases involving the parent-child relationship, the court will establish a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child. This parenting plan includes the rights and duties of a conservator and a possession schedule for the child. Courts may...
Texas Premarital Agreements – What are they and should you get one?
Oct 15, 2020 | Divorce, Property
A premarital agreement or “prenup” is an agreement between prospective spouses to alter their marital property rights without court involvement. Chapter four of the Texas Family Code governs these types of agreements. Parties can agree to the division of household...
What can happen if you fall behind on child support payments?
Oct 2, 2020 | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce
In Texas family law cases involving children, one parent is often ordered to pay child support to the other. For one reason or another, a parent may fall behind on child support payments. If you are the parent who has been ordered to pay child support, you may be...
Geographic Restrictions in Texas Custody Cases
Sep 2, 2020 | Child Custody, Divorce
In Texas, most courts will order a geographic restriction as part of any child custody proceeding. One parent is often awarded the exclusive right to designate the child’s primary residence. A geographic restriction limits the child’s primary residence to a...
Five Tips on How to Divorce Amicably
Aug 26, 2020 | Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Family Law - General, Property
Many families find themselves faced with the challenges of separation and divorce. Divorce can be a very stressful time in someone’s life. It is often said to be one of the most difficult transitions a person may face. One way to lessen the stress of the divorce...
What is an Amicus Attorney or an Ad Litem?
Aug 12, 2020 | Child Custody, Child Protective Services, Divorce, Family Law - General
Depending on the circumstances of your divorce or family law case, you may hear the Latin terms "amicus" and "ad litem" referenced by the attorneys or the judge in your case. We’re here to help clarify the purpose of an amicus attorney and an ad litem and explain when...
Digital Assets During Divorce
Jul 22, 2020 | Divorce, Property
Digital assets are a huge part of our everyday lives. The pictures on your iPhone, your Netflix account, documents saved in Dropbox, your Kindle library, and your Instagram page are all examples of digital assets. While it may seem that digital assets are...