How are debts dealt with in divorce?

How are debts dealt with in divorce?

Any debts incurred during the marriage are presumed to be debts of the community.  Any debts incurred prior to marriage are the separate debts of the party who incurred them.  However, the party trying to argue a debt should be separate would need to...

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When can you modify custody?

When can you modify custody?

After a final order is entered in a divorce or child custody case, there may be reasons down the road that one party or the other wishes to modify the order.  The Texas Family Code provides four grounds for modifying a child custody order: The parties have agreed...

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Can you have your marriage annulled?

Can you have your marriage annulled?

In Texas, the grounds to have a marriage annulled are extremely narrow.  Specifically, a court can grant an annulment only if one of the following applies: One of the spouses was under the age of 18  and did not have the appropriate consent or a court order;...

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When can you modify child support?

When can you modify child support?

Under the Texas Family Code, a party can modify child support in three situations:  (1) the parties have agreed to modify child support; (2) when the parties meet the three-year modification rule; and (3) when there has been a material and substantial change to...

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