Chad Petross | Tracing 101 for Family Lawyers

Chad Petross | Tracing 101 for Family Lawyers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbbV6XYV06k Tracing is crucial in many clients’ divorce cases… And any reputable family lawyer should understand this process. If your client can’t afford to hire a tracing expert, you may be the one responsible for tracing—so you need...

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Ashley Shihab | How A Life Coach Can Help Your Client

Ashley Shihab | How A Life Coach Can Help Your Client

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzAZdO3i8VI When your clients are going through a divorce, they may want personal guidance through this difficult life change… A life coach may be the answer. But what is a life coach and how can you connect your struggling client to...

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