
From Holly’s interview for the Masters of Family Law series on ReelLawyers.com.

When a party to a family law case does not follow the terms of the order, the violating party is in contempt of court and an enforcement may be needed. Whether a party has failed to pay child support, did not turn over the children at the required time, or did not comply with the terms of property division in a divorce, an enforcement provides a means for accountability and relief to the non-violating party.

Depending on the nature of the infraction, a party violating a court order could be held in contempt, fined, and even jailed for the violation. If the court finds a party did violate the court order, that party will almost always be ordered to pay the attorney’s fees of the other side.

Enforcements can be complicated, and the Texas Family Code has very specific requirements that must be met to prevail. Whether you are seeking to have an order enforced or someone is trying to enforce against you, it is critical you have an attorney knowledgeable about these rules to best protect your interests.



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