Lance Taylor | Family Law & Real Estate

What challenges arise when a divorcing couple is buying or selling a home?

Today on the podcast, we discuss the intersection of family law and real estate.

My guest is Lance Taylor, a realtor with Keller Williams Realty in Plano, Texas. He teams up with attorneys to help divorcing clients navigate the real estate process.

Lance joins us to explore how attorneys and real estate agents can guide clients through this difficult life change, getting the best outcome for all parties.

Listen to learn:

  •  How attorneys and real estate agents can join forces
  •  How to settle disputes about the value of a house
  •  What Lance calls “the easy button of real estate”
  •  And more

Mentioned in this episode:


Lance Taylor: As an attorney, right you have kind of one piece of the expertise but for a smooth divorce to happen, you need a whole team to come together that has lots of different expertise to make sure that this buy or sale that is happening with the client goes smoothly.

Voiceover: You’re listening to the Texas Family Law Insiders podcast, your source for the latest news and trends in family law in the state of Texas. Now, here’s your host attorney Holly Draper.

Holly Draper: We’re excited to welcome Lance Taylor to the Texas Family Law Insiders podcast today. Lance is a Realtor with Keller Williams Realty in Plano, Texas. He was born in the small lake town of Mountain Home, Arkansas, and graduated from the University of Arkansas. Lance comes from a long line of real estate professionals. His grandfather started his own brokerage in 1968 and his father took over in 1981. Lance worked as a buyer’s agent in college while studying finance and engineering and was first licensed in real estate at the young age of 18. Lance briefly left the real estate industry to pursue his other passion of product development and LED lighting design.

He traveled to Asia and worked with manufacturing partners and distributors to bring energy efficient lighting technology to the United States and other countries. He moved to the North Dallas area in 2009 with family including two daughters, will always keep him busy when he’s not selling. Lance’s team Taylor Team DFW is the number one Team at Keller Williams Realty in Plano, and a top 1% team nationwide. In 2021, they helped approximately 200 families for $100 million in production volume. Lance regularly teams up with attorneys helping clients through the divorce process. Thank you so much for joining us today.

Lance: Yeah, thank you for having me, Holly.

Holly: So why don’t you start by telling us a little bit about yourself.

Lance: Well, so that was a pretty good introduction. I guess we’ll start with, you know, our, our team, you know, we started a team in 2018. And our focus was two things. Number one is to attract other industry professionals so that we have everyone in their top 20% in their focus. And so we’ve been working on growing the team growing our expertise, recently to recently to even include a construction counterpart, so that we can do just about anything that’s needed on the housing side. I know that’s about my team, not myself. And so you know, but me personally.

So I’m currently married to Christie is my wife, and she is also licensed in real estate. We’ve kind of shared this passion. She’s also very adept in design, and everything house oriented. So she loves that. And then our two daughters, Presley is 8 and Kennedy is 11. Completely different personalities. So my 11 year old is my little artist, and my 8 year old is my little gymnast. So other than that I’m an entrepreneur myself, I have, you know, couple different business interests, but real estate is my primary focus.

And I really enjoy people. And so this everything I do in my life is surrounded around people and how to help. I’m very service minded and involved in as much as I can with our team and every aspect of how do we take care of people the best, no matter what the outcome is for us, is how do we make sure we’re putting them on the best possible path.

Holly: So I know that you work partner with attorneys a lot. And so and those attorneys often are divorce lawyers, and they can also be probate type lawyers. What are some unique factors that go into working for people going through divorce?

Lance: Well, divorce is a tumultuous time for families. I have a brother who just recently went through a divorce, unfortunately, and it really gave me a tremendous amount of empathy for, you know, families going through that. At that time, he literally couldn’t think for himself in so many ways. He had very, you know, so many different challenges a very stressful time for him. And I recognize how you know, people respond is not the true person, that’s not who they are.

So we have to extend lots of extra empathy, we have to really help them walk through the process, we help them make informed decisions by providing the best options, so they can just select from those best options to make the best informed decision. And so I think it really is just a very clouded and difficult time because you can’t see the future, you’re going through a divorce, all you can see is the storm that you’re in. And yet the future is very important, especially life after divorce.

And so we don’t want them to make short sighted decisions, just because out of frustration or anger or angst, we really want to be able to bring the best solutions to them so that once they get through this whole storm, they truly have a wonderful life after that. And so so much of that is attached to how they either, you know, disconnect from real estate or purchase new real estate in the future, and credit scores and all the other pieces that go into that. So we recognize that, and again, that’s what we’re there for, is to be an additional guide to that process.

Holly: So, as I mentioned earlier, I know you partner with attorneys regularly. Can you tell us a little bit about why you do that, and what your partnerships with attorneys look like?

Lance: Well, first of all, so we pride ourselves in having a very thorough vendor list. And I know we’re gonna get to that later, too. But, you know, we have clients that need, we need to refer to the best of the best in the industry. And so that includes, you know, family law attorneys, in many cases, and we want the best fit. So for one reason, we need to be connected to them because we have clients that need help. And we want to make sure that we’re always being the guide and supporting them, get them connected. But the second thing is that in real estate is centered around life change.

And so, you know, this is when people need the most help, you know, generally, and so one of those life change pieces is divorce. And so we are always connecting other professionals that are in this process of helping people through life change, including, you know, attorneys, and counselors, you know, for that matter. And that’s where we can step in early on and provide advice. It doesn’t always lead to a transaction for us. It’s more about providing the right advice and information, could be evaluations, all those types of things early in the process to help them make the best informed decision.

Holly: What are some complicating factors that divorce can bring to the real estate process?

Lance: That’s a great question. So you know, I think the biggest thing that I see is when we’re going through the divorce process is that people, they have a need for a win, or in some cases, they’re punishing the other spouse, unfortunately. And so they’re making very short sighted decisions based on that information.

And so it can be very complicated to get them off of their anger focus, or their lashing out or their spouse and more focused on their rational mind, and making the best informed decisions for where they are in at that point in the process. So I think the other thing is coordination of people into and out of a home. During a divorce, you know, sometimes there’s a lot of sensitivity to anyone coming in the home. And so we’re having to be very cautious of that factor, really making sure we’re setting expectations and great communication with both spouses, not leaving one or the other out so that they constantly know what’s going on.

And so I think that’s why we pride ourselves as a team of 14 individuals, we have a full time closing coordination, full time marketing department, we have full time people specifically devoted to communicating what’s happening in the process, so that the expectations are set. And sometimes we have to do that multiple times because they forget right, they’re in they’re in a tumultuous process. I would say those are some major complications.

Holly: So are there any specific complication, so we have usually when we go after a divorce, we may have a sale happening, because neither one of them can afford keep it, or they can’t afford to buy the other person out. And we also deal with people who are looking to purchase a property post divorce. Starting on the sales side, I know that oftentimes we have people that have to live together until the sale because they don’t have the funds to go anywhere else. Are there ways that you can help streamline that sales process for divorcing clients?

Lance: Yes. So there’s, there’s several things that we try to do up front. Number one, we want to understand kind of how hostile the situation is, or how well we’re all working together. You know, we’ve had circumstances to where we try to get the home sold in one weekend. So we do the prep and move, you know, that way, husband and wife, maybe at that moment, they can kind of go their separate ways that weekend, and we try to drive as much traffic as we can, while they’re not there and having to deal with every single showing request, every single person coming through their home and all the anxiety that has led to that.

And we’ve even set up situations where we just clean the house, you know, for them at the conclusion of that, especially during some of the times we’ve gone through the past couple years is, you know, germs were a concern. So we want to make sure you know we were thorough on that. So you know, I think to your point, though, with selling is that a lot of times there’s unforeseen liens, maybe one partner was making decisions financially, the other one didn’t know about and so liens come up on the property. So we’re doing very thorough title searches up front, and in making sure that there’s nothing that’s a surprise.

And then you know, the other piece is condition is not always great. Imagine if you’re in the fight of your life, you forget about some things, and the household is one of those. So we generally bring in all of our vendors. can be carpet cleaners, can be organizers that can help them kind of move some things out of the way. We use the garage as an overflow area we want to get everything out of the house. So the next stage not everything but all of the items that don’t need to be there right so that we really simplify that look at the home, show as much space as possible. And you know, really help maximize that market sale.

Holly: So you mentioned about you trying to get a house sold in a weekend. Obviously, when we’re recording this, we’re, we’ve been in a very, very hot market where it seems realistic to, you know, throw the house on the market, get it sold, problem solved. But that’s not always probably going to be the case. So even before this boom happened, were you trying to take that approach?

Lance: Yeah. So we’re just looking at, you know, what are our factors kind of what is our cooperation factor that we have going on, and in trying to minimize that stress. So we’ll typically talk through several options. And to your point, you know, this market recently has been much easier to, you know, achieve something like that. But in the past, before that, it may not have been, we may restrict showings to certain times in the day, that’s less stressful for the family. We may set really good expectations to other realtors out there, you know how we’re going to coordinate those showings, instead of having every weekday, maybe we only have them on specific days.

Maybe we have more notice, more heads up notice, so that they’re coming in a high anxiety state, they don’t want to just up and run out of the house within one hour. So maybe we do a four hour notice or even a 24 hour notice. So that sometimes can come with a cost of more showings because some realtors or buyers may not be willing to wait that long. But it also kind of helps just funnel in, you know, a more custom approach for that family to ensure that we’re not adding to any more stresses than we have to to get the home sold.

Holly: So flipping over to talk about when we have divorcing clients that are going to purchase something, what special factors do you have to consider when you are dealing with divorcing clients in a purchase?

Lance: Great question. Yeah, I think the number one thing that comes to mind is kind of our credit and income issues. You know, a lot of times through divorce bills aren’t getting paid on time. So we’re really trying to manage that the best we can and help them get connected to an excellent lender up front, some great advice up front to make sure the bills are continuing to get paid, so that we can be a purchaser. You know, the income sometimes can dramatically change, depending on if it’s one spouse to the other that’s out purchasing.

But I think one of the harder things too, is just simply helping them to right size, their expectations. So they may have come from a larger home, and they’re downsizing, they can afford less. And sometimes that can be a really difficult transition for their new purchase. And so really trying to shed some light around that, help them understand that, you know, when they’re buying that new home, they’re still making a great financial decision. And they’re looking forward to this, you know, this new life that they’re creating. And it looks, you know, a bit different than what they had.

So I believe that’s kind of some challenges that we’ve run into is really this consultative process, and understanding where their head is at. And then there’s, there’s a myriad of other, you know, challenges that kind of come up on the purchase side that really attach to the lending piece. And so we try to get all of that set up with the attorney before the actual divorce happens. Because we can really, you know, the earlier on the process, we can get connected, the more advice and information we can shed on to their situation, so they can be successful.

Holly: So one of the things we see a lot when we have a client looking to purchase a home post divorce is they start this process before they are actually divorced. And we don’t have a magic wand to make sure they are divorced by a certain date. And we can run into situations where we’re supposed to close on a house on June the 8th, and our divorce decree hasn’t yet been signed. So are there special things that you do? Do you typically try and move the closing? Or are you working on extra deeds to deal with the fact that they aren’t yet divorced when this closing happens?

Lance: Yeah, and of course, we’ve been through many situations where we try to set expectations really well to the other side. So if we’re in the selling situation, you know, we’re we’re the listing the house and we have a buyer agent on the other side, we want to set expectations up front, then usually we want to set soft close dates. So a lot of times in this current market, we’ve been able to set a closing date in in within our contract, it’s always on or before that closing date.

So we try to give ourselves a little space there but then typically have a leaseback to follow that. So that way the sellers don’t have to move out of the home right away, they have a little more flexibility. So if that closing date ultimately gets pushed than the occupancy, which is the buyer, you know, moving in and setting up the movers and you know, all the things that have with that is not already like conflicting as well. That’s when costs start to accrue right is when everyone is banking on one date, and all of a sudden it moves so we really just have this soft closing date with some additional flexibility on both sides.

And then we’re staying very much in tune with what’s happening in the proceedings and how you know how close we’re getting to a divorce, you know, actual finalized divorce. But a lot of times we’re selling too when there’s just a divorce decree. So it doesn’t have to be finalized. And we just simply know how everything’s going to be split up. And that is accounted for when the the attorney is writing that divorce decree.

Holly: So why would you say it’s important for family lawyers to develop a good relationship with a local realtor?

Lance: You know, I share with people it’s, it’s like having, you know, a football team full of all running backs is that, you know, as an attorney, right, you have kind of one piece of the expertise. But for a smooth divorce to happen, you need a whole team to come together that has lots of different expertise to make sure that this buy or sale that is happening with the clients goes smoothly. And so you know, there’s lots of pieces that that come up on this marital balance sheet, and the attorney has to have references and people that they can reach out to and get, for example, a very close comparative market analysis.

So they understand what these asset values are and which, you know how to move them around, and negotiate on behalf of their client. And so I think it’s really important to have someone that they they know, like, and trust on the real estate side, so they can make that quick phone call. But there’s no expectation from the agent. So a lot of times, we get calls early in the process six months before any transaction may develop. And yet we know that’s part of the process is we’re helping those attorneys really get the best information so that client can make the best informed decisions with what they’re sharing. And it requires a team of experts to do that, and real estate is just a piece of that.

Holly: So I for years, you know, having told clients, we can get a comparative market analysis on their house, and that’ll help us have a pretty good idea of the value, especially if we’re trying to avoid having to do an appraisal just to reach a settlement. With the way the market is now, do you think it is realistic to have a very accurate CMA? Or are they are we seeing a bigger gap between what you can really sell this for and what the CMA might show?

Lance: When we do our CMA, that’s a great question is that yes, you’re taking a snapshot in that moment in time of what that value potentially looks like. And that’s in that current market, too. So when we do our comparative market analysis, we also include active sales, active homes, we’re not going to weight those very heavily. But what we’re trying to show is the trend of the market, and what is happening too. And so typically, when your home goes on the market, you’re competing with whatever else is available in the market.

So buyers can only make decisions based on what’s available today, not what has sold in the past, which is what an appraisal is going to pull in is just what has sold. So we’re really trying to get this kind of the most current valuation and also even a peek into the future, of this active of inventory that might sell and what that might sell for. So we’re including both sides. And that helps us get a little more longevity on that valuation. But you know, also, it really depends on when they go on the market. You know, go on the market in May timeframe versus a divorce, pushing out until September can be two very different markets, when they actually go to list.

So we do the best we can to provide all of that data. But then also we talk about the strategy within that, hey, this might be an ideal time to hit the market, and talk about some caveats around if they wait for too long. And this is what we were seeing a trend develop that the market, maybe softening, where the interest rates are rising a little bit so that way they have all the information of what it is now and then can try to make the best decisions collectively together to benefit both parties when it comes to selling the home and maximizing value.

Holly: So how long do you think a comparative market market analysis is typically of value to somebody if they’re trying to rely upon that data?

Lance: You know, right now, I would say any longer than 30 days, you probably need to get it updated and check again. So you know, it’s okay sometimes to get a quick hit value, sometimes we do that upfront. And then actually, when the attorneys get into the negotiations a little bit more in depth, we’ll go and update that again, and say, okay, here’s some new data that’s coming into the picture. We want to include that and here’s where the value potentially has changed on the property.

Holly: How long does it usually take you all to prepare a CMA?

Lance: So we have a short form and long form CMA, and the long form CMA is going to have the most data, photos, the best comparison for even you as an attorney right where you want to look at and understand. That takes about 30 minutes for us to accomplish. But a quick hit CMA may take us five to 10 minutes, just depending on you know, what, what available comparables we have on the property.

Holly: So, oftentimes, you know, when we go to mediation with our clients, and we may have a little bit of incomplete information, or, you know, we show up and the party’s values of what they think houses worth are drastically different. And is that something that, you know, attorneys can pick up the phone and say, hey, I’m sitting in mediation, and we got a big dispute about the value of the house. What can you get me really quick? Is that something that you can do really fast?

Lance: It sure is, yeah, and especially if they give us a heads a heads up when the mediation date is, so that, you know, we can become a little more available. But the good news is, like I said, you know, we have a team of professionals. So it’s myself, and course, I do a ton of that interaction and connectivity. But we have two other very, very strong value oriented listing agents that can take a look. And then we have two staff on our team that are licensed, one’s license for 20 years and other for 30 years in real estate. So they are very, very quick and proficient at providing that information. So we do our absolute best, even a really short notice to provide those needs, you know, in the mediation environment. And that helps things flow along. But we currently do that. And I think that’s a big value that we can provide.

Holly: How important is it? Or isn’t it important that the realtor you have performing that CMA for you is from that specific market?

Lance: I think they need to have certainly awareness of what’s driving that market. But being from the market doesn’t necessarily, it’s not quite as important, you know, the level of data that we have now that we have access to can give a tremendous amount of insight. And then two, our general knowledge of, you know, what sells homes, which is typically condition and location, and what are the hazards potentially around that property that either may influence value one way or the other. So all of those type things generally stay similar.

You know, if I looked at a property and although I’m not licensed there in Birmingham, Alabama, I can get a pretty good idea of what’s causing that market to work. What are the days on market, how quickly things moving, and then, you know, now we have Google Maps these days to so you can walk the street, you know, so we have some pretty good insights that we can create. But when it comes to Dallas, Fort Worth, we are familiar with a tremendous amount of markets, because we’ve sold homes in them as a high volume team.

Holly: Are you seeing any slowdown yet in the market? Or is it still really hot?

Lance: Yeah. So you know, as we are here in June of 2022, right, it’s this is usually a time where things are soaring. The market has soared for so long, though, it’s taken a breath. And really, as this just happened the last two weeks, it’s been very noticeable. We have listings coming on every single weekend, and buyers wanting to go under the contract every week. And so we see it minute by minute, and just now we’re seeing the market taking a breath, which in my opinion, could be a very healthy thing. Because the trend that we were on is just not realistic for it to continue forever.

Holly: I agree completely. So one of the things you know, I always have my podcast guests send me some talking points when we’re getting ready for the podcast. And one of the things you had mentioned in your talking points was the easy button of real estate. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Lance: Yeah, I sure can. So easy button real estate is really just a simple term for what we do to bring all of our experts and information to the transaction to simplify the decision making process. But as you can imagine, it’s not we don’t just sell the home, we do all the preparation in advance. So that includes you know, any defects in the home, issues that need to be corrected, that are going to affect market value, we want to provide a solution to fix those in advance. You know, the staging process of the home.

We want to make sure that we’re addressing the home and staging it so that the photography and videography turn out, the absolute best. And then when it comes to the selling process of the home, right, we’re making informed decisions based on all the nuances that are happening in the market. And yet anything else that’s needed, even financial planners or mortgage professionals and all of those pieces that we’re going to bring to the table at the exact moment that it’s needed. That’s what the easy button in real estate really represents.

Holly: And I know kind of within that is the piece of all of the vetted list of vendors and partners that you work with. Tell us a little bit about your network and why that can be a benefit to family lawyers.

Lance: So in real estate, we view ourselves as like the quarterback of the team. So another football reference, but you know, we are we have a quarterback, we can’t operate effectively unless we have all the other members of our team pulled together. And when we make that phone call, we want to make sure that we give specific instruction and they can execute quickly that they have availability, and that they’re already vetted as a professional. And so that brings a tremendous amount of speed through the process.

So that we don’t have to, you know, continue to, to vet lots of people on the fly, right? We have all of that kind of that we bring together. Of course, these are just options that we bring, no one’s committed to using any of those options, but we have real experience with them. And we know exactly how they operate and because we also provide a lot of referrals to those individuals, tthey snap to. They’re going to jump a little quicker and make sure that they’re taking care of the client is going to benefit, the attorney is going to benefit. For everybody attached to this, we’re going to be able to move in sync.

Holly: So I noticed on your website that your team has at leaset somebody with a designation of certified real estate collaboration specialists in divorce. What is that?

Lance: That is, so that’s me, I have this designation. And so there is a Professor Murray is a lady who teaches this course she is both a Harvard and a Stanford grad graduate. She also has her Illinois law license, and she has her Tennessee real estate license, and is on the faculty of Vanderbilt, which is a top 20 Law School. And is also a family mediator. So she has a wealth of background and experience both on the real estate and the attorney side. And so she has built this out, you see the main word in there is collaboration, right?

So collaboration between attorneys and real estate agents for us to really understand what are the main issues and challenges that attorneys go through? And then where can we fill in the gap and provide that support in aid well in advance, so that they can work with that client to make the best informed decisions.

Holly: So when we use the term collaborative in the legal world, it’s referring to a specific type of, like collaborative divorce as a way, a method of doing divorce different from litigation. So I think when you’re using collaboration specialist that is not in the collaborative divorce sense, it’s a different use of the word. Would you agree?

Lance: That’s exactly right. Yeah. And so collaborative. You know, I know in your terms, it’s more about between the husband and wife that are splitting, right. So collaboration in our world, we’re talking about the professionals that are providing the advice and support and information to that husband and wife that are splitting. And so we’re collaborating with just like we collaborate with mortgage professionals, we collaborate with financial planners, we also collaborate with attorneys.

And really, we’re just using, we’re all staying in our top 20%, where we offer value. An attorney doesn’t necessarily want to have to go deal with all of the things that represent the value of real estate and how to dispose of it. They want to stay in their segment, let’s let’s finish this marital balance sheet. And let’s get this thing show on the road, right. Let’s negotiate what what my client needs. But we try to take some of those pieces off the table for them to help them.

Holly: So does that typically involve working with both sides or are you usually working with just either the husband or the wife and their lawyer?

Lance: We end up having to kind of work with everyone, right, so we’re a neutral third party. And we’re separate. And a lot of times, I’ll get reached out to by a specific attorney, and they want help with their clients, which is either the husband or the wife. And so that wherever we get pulled into the transaction, that’s where we’re going to stay until they want us to take on more and take the next step. So we can we can kind of be overarching and provide advice for for everyone or I can specifically provide advice to one attorney one party, so they can best make the best decisions. And at the end of the day, if they end up retaining a home that needs to be sold, or something like that, and we just like to be considered as the support channel to help them dispose of the home.

Holly: Okay, so you’re kind of talking about being a neutral third party. What benefits do you see that neutral third party providing to the divorce process?

Lance: I think the biggest benefit that we provide is that, you know, in a divorce, someone’s playing to win, there’s a winner and a loser a lot of times. And so as a neutral third party we’re trying to remove beyond that we’re trying to help provide what are the best decisions that that individual can make for the future, you know, as in regards to what we’re influencing, which may be the real estate transaction. And so as a neutral third party, we are not tied up in emotion, we’re not frustrated at someone, you know, we simply understand they’re going through a challenging time, we can provide more clear headed rational direction for them to grab on to and make the best informed decision.

Holly: Is there any type of conflict where if you’re acting as the neutral third in party helping a divorcing couple with the sale of their property. Is there any conflict with you also then representing one of them in a purchase post sale?

Lance: So with our license, there is no, there is no conflict. But yet, they all have to be on the same page. And so we’re we’re all about full disclosure, and sharing that information, because we certainly don’t want to appear like we’re working on one side, and then now we’re working on the other side, and upset the parties. The other benefit that we have in a team of professionals is that I’m one human being right and that may be working with, let’s say the the female, the spouse, and we’re helping kind of with maybe a disposition of the asset.

And then you know, maybe Mr. Seller now is upset at her and he wants to go buy a house and he may connect with a different teammate. So usually we’ll have separate people actually supporting and that helps kind of create some of that separation so that it’s not me or one individual that’s tied to both sides, because of maybe they, you know, trust challenges or things like that.

Holly: So one other thing I found was really interesting about your team, which probably doesn’t have a whole lot to do with family law, but I thought it was interesting and worth discussing. I know you have a specialty of dealing with sports and entertainment. Tell us a little bit about that.

Lance: Yeah, so we were chosen as a top 1% team within Keller Williams to be part of this unique opportunity to collaborate with other Keller Williams agents across the nation, specifically with sports entertainment individuals. So generally, these are a higher net worth people who privacy is really important to them. And also the level of service typically needs to be a step above. So it’s a very curated service. And we, we have a very specific approach in how we go about taking care of them. There’s some additional, you know, fun elements that we add into that, just to be able to provide the highest level of service for them.

And so as you can imagine, they have some very specific requests sometimes. And so we are very careful in how we convey and carry out those requests throughout the team, not just with, you know, the client, but also our team communication, making sure that we’re really truly taking care of that person the way that they want to be taken care of.

Holly: I think that would be a fun area to be in. Very interesting.

Lance: It’s fascinating. And sometimes we get to share who we’re working with, sometimes we never get to and that’s okay.

Holly: You still know!

Lance: Yeah, exactly. It’s fun.

Holly: So we’re just about out of time, but one of the questions I like to ask everybody that comes on the podcast is, if you could give one piece of advice to family lawyers, what would it be?

Lance: I think that I would say it’s just to partner up with trustworthy industry experts to simplify your work life, and to keep you in your top 20% of activities. You know, I say that, because attorneys, similar to agents, we touch a lot of different elements. And some areas were really good in and passionate about, and some areas where maybe just don’t care as much about it. So you know, we’re not passionate.

Of course we’re not gonna be as great as those activities. And so when you bring a team approach, and you have industry professionals coming together, including financial planners, you know, in many cases and mortgage professionals, it makes the experience for the client a whole lot better, they get to look good, because they surround yourself with a good team. And it also makes their work life balance a whole lot better.

Holly: And it makes us look good when we can provide those resources to our clients, so that they don’t have to go research everyone and do all that legwork, because it’s all been done for them.

Lance: That’s right. Increases our chance of referrals across the board too. Right. So a lot more referral business comes from that because it’s our responsibility to work in partnership with a an attorney, that will we have an opportunity to get that you know, maybe a divorce or something that’s going to, we want to get the best attorney in the in the picture as quickly as we can to take care of them. So and then too when you take great care of a client at any point in time, they’re gonna sing your praises to other people. It takes a team to do that, right, you’re just gonna get that many more opportunities in the future.

Holly: So where can out listeners go if they want to find more about you?

Lance: So we have our website is And we have a /attorney-partners is one subset, you’ll see that at the top, obviously, just click on attorney partners. We also have, we’re part of American Dream TV, you can see me in action, you know, showing properties and as a lifestyle agent. So we have an ADTV link, which you can click there. And then also we have a really excellent search site called So it not only provides a great search experience for clients, but also does have a valuation component that has a quick hit valuation. Certainly we like to go back that up with a little extra due diligence, but that’s another great place to find us.

Holly: All right. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. For our guests, if you enjoyed this episode, leave us a review and subscribe to enjoy future episodes.

Voiceover: The Texas Family Law Insiders podcast is sponsored by the Draper Law Firm. We help people navigate divorce and child custody cases and handle family law appellate matters. For more information, visit our website at

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